Organic Food Sunshine Coast

Organic Food Sunshine Coast

Organic food on the Sunshine Coast. Organika is here to help bring an organic lifestyle to Noosa on the Sunshine Coast. We have a great passion in bringing you the best range and variety of organics, not only here on the coast, but in Australia. Sourcing organic foods and many other organic products that you may of never seen before. We are always on the look-out for new and exciting products. Gone are the days that organics are boring and just for your health. There are so many products available now that are truly gourmet and will take pride of place in your pantry.

Organic Food Sunshine Coast

Organic Food Sunshine Coast

As a certified organic retailer, we also extremely passionate about the authenticity of our products. Being certified organic means added trust for you, the consumer. How do you really know if it’s organic? They may say spray free. How do you know the farm or neighbour next door isn’t spraying? As a certified organic product these farms and producers are audited annually to make sure no chemicals are used. As a certified organic retailer, we are also audited annually by the ACO, to make sure we are checking all our organic products are that, organic.

Organic Food Sunshine Coast

Organic food has many wonderful properties. The obvious one being that it is produced with no chemicals, but this is one of many. Another great point is that there is a lot of work that goes into conditioning the soil. This brings with it a product that is higher in minerals and vitamins. A recent study in the UK, said that organic milk had up to 80% more antioxidants than non-organic milk. The other wonderful aspect to organic food is that the farmers are getting a fair price for the food that they grow. In a country of big corporate supermarkets that drive the price down on Aussie farmers, organics gives back to these immensely important figures in our community. It’s like fairtrade, but in our own back yard. What would we do when all the farmers are gone??

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